
Velo Lab

It’s no secret, from little league through the pros, more pitchers are throwing harder than ever before. It is not uncommon to see high school athletes routinely throwing 90+ MPH, and this is just the beginning for the evolution of the pitcher. Over the past few years, there have been many breakthroughs in training and technology that have helped lend to this new “power arms race”. Now, The Edge Academy is excited to offer these high level training techniques and practices to you, right in your back yard…
Welcome to the Velo Lab! 
The Velo Lab is a culmination of some of the best, most sought after training techniques and tools used today. This throwing program is not only specifically designed to get players to throw harder, but to get them to do so in a healthy manner. Players will undergo movement screenings to identify deficient patterns and weaknesses that will ultimately set up their individual throwing programs.
In The Velo Lab, players will invest hours of training learning to move more efficiently, build arm strength, learn pre and post throwing arm care routines all while in a controlled yet competitive training environment. Through the program, players will not only increase their throwing velocity, but improve on their pitch-ability as well.
Our instructors will help guide each player through:
-Movement screens and pattern
-Correcting mechanical flaws and inefficiencies
-Developing proper warm up routines
-Creating a healthy throwing practices (arm care)
-Promoting self awareness, development and drive for continued growth
The Velo lab will utilize the following tools to help develop young arms into high velocity throwing pitchers:
Core Velocity Belt - Training tool used to teach center mass movements - The Belt can teach and strengthen hip mobility and movement patterns that are essential to the swing. The Belt is secured around the player's waist and bunji bands are attached to different points to either assist or resist a certain movement to create a “feel” of what the movements should be.
Plyo Balls - plyo balls are used for a variety of training purposes, but most importantly arm strengthening and conditioning.  The underlying reason for using them is adapting better movement patterns while conditioning the arm.
When training with overload and underload balls, the movement patterns adapt to the load and task.  With certain styles of programming, they can be used for arm strengthening.  The volume and style of throw can vary, but some specific drills mixed into a general training program can have an impact on throwing velocity and the overall condition of your arm. Think of ploy balls as “warming up to throw” instead of the traditional mindset of “throwing to warm-up”
Jaeger Bands (JBands) - The J-Bands exercise routine is crucial for injury prevention, endurance, recovery period and increased velocity. It is an essential workout for any player whose goal is to have a long and healthy career. Band work is critical to promote blood flow to your shoulders and arm both before and after throwing. Executing band exercises, alone or in combination with other techniques, builds strength throughout your throwing arm.
Clean Fuego Balls - CleanFuego is an essential training device for any baseball player looking to learn or polish pitches, learn to better grip and release, and work out subtle changes in real-time. This tool helps players better understand spin efficiency, spin direction, pitch design, and spin axis. This will help all players learn the proper feel and release of fastballs, curveballs, change-ups, and sliders.
Water Bags- Similar to med balls, but the water creates weight in an unstable environment allowing players to develop strength and stability. These can also be used in the matter of re-coordinating the body to move as efficiently as possible throughout the delivery.
Rapsodo - Not just a radar gun, this device is one of the most utilized pieces of technology used in baseball today. The system will capture each pitch thrown and provide a complete 3D profile breakdown of velocity, spin rate, spin efficiency, spin direction, spin axis, vertical & horizontal movement, release point and release angle. ALL of these metrics are needed to aid in pitch design…In other words, we can now understand how to make fastballs faster, breaking balls tighter and movement greater.